Operation Cuckoo

Travel Edition


This is the travel edition of Operation Cuckoo Welcome to the battle nest! You have been dropped as an egg in an unfamiliar nest by your cuckoo mother. When you hatch, you notice that your egg was different than the other eggs. But this is your nest, right? So, you want to throw them out. Looking around, you notice another cuckoo. Your competitor! Will you manage to get rid of all other eggs or lure your competitor into a trap? Start the battle.

  • 2
  • 10+
  • 15-30
in winkelmand
Operation Cuckoo


Hoe speel je het spel?

Get ready for Operation Cuckoo. Cuckoo birds lay their eggs in the nests of other birds. You as a cuckoo crawl out of your eggshell and you are not charmed by all these strange birds in your nest. In this tactical two-player game you make sure that your cuckoo is the only playing piece of your color on the board, this is how you win the game. You can also win if your cuckoo reaches the other side of the nest, or you beat your opponent’s cuckoo. On your turn you may move one playing piece forward. Eggs take one step, birds take one or two steps. When you can ‘hit’ you should hit. Do you provoke the enemy to capture your playing pieces?

In this travel edition the pieces are smaller. This version has a one sided game board, instead of two sides.

Wat zit er in de doos?

  • 1 game board
  • 34 wooden pieces
  • Dutch rules
  • English rules
  • French rules
  • German rules

At Jolly we love to play games and love the world. And this goes together perfectly! We make our games as eco-friendly as possible. Which means:

  • Biodegradable plastic
  • Biodegradable ink and glue
  • FSC quality mark
  • Production in Europe and CO2 compensation for transport
The game has simple rules, but can become very complex because you don't want to hit your opponent. We love this game. It's a bit like checkers/chess, but due to the hexagonal boxes you can move around more. - Het spelletjeskoppel.nl -

Yes, dit spel wil ik hebben!

Past dit spel bij jou?

Zeker doen als:

  • You like simple tactical games
  • One vs. one is the best battle.

Geef dit spel cadeau als:

  • You rather attack
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